Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery - a Healthy School


We work on three key themes within Hertfordshire Healthy Schools Programme. These are:

  • PHSE / Citizenship
  • Emotional Health and Wellbeing
  • Safety

We have the National Healthy Schools Accreditation.

National Healthy School Standard

Evidence of a Healthy School

  • Social inclusion and health inequalities inform development and implementation of activities
  • In line with the DfES Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Strategy, the impact of CPD (including for example, teacher lesson observations, work shadowing and mentoring) on the success of healthy schools activities is regularly being evaluated and informing the development of the healthy schools programme
  • The school is delivering the requirements of the national curriculum, particularly in relation to sex and relationships education and drug education, including alcohol and tobacco, in line with statutory requirements, non-statutory guidance and the National Healthy School Standard criteria
  • Pupils views are reflected in school activities, including those with special educational needs and specific health conditions, as well (is disaffected pupils, young corers and teenage parents
  • The whole school community (pupils, staff, parents, governors and community partners) is invited to take part in policy development, physical, social and cultural activity and support each others learning
  • The school provides a culture and environment to support the taught PSHE and Citizenship curriculum

The school has a strong community ethos "the starting grid for life-long learning" which permeates throughout all aspects of school life. The achievements of the children are supported and inspired and are regularly celebrated at whole school assemblies. A wide range of awards and incentives encourage pupil work and effort.

The pupils are consulted through an active and inclusive school council and they are encouraged to take responsibility for many aspects of school life. Links have been forged with the wider global community through the 'Project Build' programme. Pupils have access to a 'friendship' stop at playtimes and circle time and golden time are part of the school curriculum.

A wide variety of interactive displays across the school reinforces the whole school approach to the Healthy Schools programme.

PSHE & Citizenship

Golden Rules are explicit throughout the school and are on display in every classroom. The school council operates a highly successful "suggestion box" system to incorporate pupils' views. There is a School Council notice board in the school entrance. Pupils are encouraged to eat healthy snacks at playtimes and the school is part of the national fruit and vegetable scheme. All pupils have access to water throughout the day. The school behaviour policy links in with all reward and merit systems and pupils especially enjoy earning 'Pasta Points' for their class.

Emotional Health & Wellbeing

Every class operates a system (Pot of Gold) for recognising pupil effort in relation to work and behaviour. A buddy system operates at playtimes and pupils also have access to a 'friendship stop'. Pupils have received a variety of visits from external agencies including the local community police and fire fighters. The school runs a large number of extra-curricular clubs including: football, golf, art, fitness, athletics, sewing, computer skills, gardening, tennis and 'mad science'.

The whole school community has been involved in a variety of fund raising efforts including, Red Nose day, Poppy Day and sponsored skipping.


Pupils and parents take part in a "Walk to school" week on a regular basis and this forms part of our travel plan. The school council, together with a school working group, has enabled all pupils to be part of the decision making process for choosing outdoor activity trail equipment and for ideas on improving the outdoor environment. All classes are on a rota to use the outdoor activity trail. All staff have received INSET on First Aid. MSAs have received training on health and safety issues and the organisation of lunchtimes which include organised playtime activities.

Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
