Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery


Coming soon...

At Swing Gate Infant and Nursery School, all staff are Mental Health trained to Level 1 by our Mental Health Leads. The Mental Health Lead is Francesca Gallagher and the Deputy Mental Health Lead is Colette Marshall. If you have any concerns, then the Mental Health Leads would be happy to meet with you to discuss your child's needs and the support school can offer. Remember you can talk to any member of staff about your child's mental health. 

Jigsaw PSHE

At Swing Gate Infant and Nursery one of our key priorities is to teach our children about how to cope with and manage their emotions, keep safe and respect and celebrate differences. PSHE Education is a planned programme of learning through which children develop the qualities and attributes needed to thrive. We incorporate PSHE (personal, social and health education) as well as SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) across our curriculum. We use the Jigsaw approach in our school. 

Jigsaw PSHE brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills, mindfulness and spiritual development in weekly lessons which are taught from Nursery through to Year Two.

All year groups work on the same theme (puzzle) at the same time adapted to the children's appropriate level of understanding. There are six sequential puzzles (half-term units of work).

  1. BM(Being Me in My World)
    'Who am I and how do I fit?'
  2. CD(Celebrating Difference)
    Respect for similarity and difference. Anti-bullying and being unique
  3. DG(Dreams and Goals)
    Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this
  4. HM(Healthy Me)
    Being and keeping safe and healthy
  5. RL(Relationships)
    Building positive, healthy relationships
  6. CM(Changing Me)
    Coping positively with change

Please read the leaflet for more information about Jigsaw.

Jigsaw leaflet for parents

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Supporting your child

Teaching your child breathing exercises can be an effective strategy to help them focus and improve their concentration whilst also being a powerful tool to help them regulate their emotions.

Breathing exercises introduce children to mindfulness and self-regulation which boosts overall mental health.

An easy breathing exercise to master involves telling your child to imagine they are smelling a flower ensuring these are breathing in deeply through their nose and out through their mouth.

Belly breathing involves paying attention to what happens to your body as you breathe. Ask your child to place one hand on their belly and the other on their chest. Tell them to take a deep breath in for four counts and exhale slowly through their nose for four counts, encouraging them to focus on the rise and fall of their chest and belly as they breathe in and out.

Please explore and print the breathing exercises below. Ensure they are accessible in the home and use regularly so your child is familiar with them when they are needed. Many are used in school. 

Supporting your child

Parent folder
 Bee Breathing.pdfDownload
 Five Finger Breathing.pdfDownload
 Rainbow Breathing (1).pdfDownload
 Triangle Breathing.pdfDownload
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 Animal Calming Card.pdfDownload
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Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
