Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

         Welcome to our Reception Classes

Teaching Team

Miss Oliver

Mrs Fitzgerald

Mrs Paynter


Teaching Assistants

Miss Davis

Miss Hardwick

Miss Watts

Week beginning: 30th September 2024

Squirrels Class weekly theme


Free Plastic Lids photo and picture

Owls Class weekly theme

Super Star Storytellers

Purple space stars Space stars and nebula as purple abstract background Outer Space Stock Photo

This week Reception staff will be completing the statutory Early Years Baseline Assessments. These are short Literacy and Maths task based activities that your child will complete on a one to one basis with their class teacher. We are really looking forward to spending some one to one time with your child and having fun completing the activities. There is nothing for you to prepare or practise at home. We are not provided with a numerical score or result for your child, however their result will be used at the end of Year 6 to inform their school level progress. 


Please ensure your child has their reading folders in their book bags daily. We encourage the children to ensure it is in their bags when they go home and encourage them to be independent and make sure they have it. When they arrive in the morning, they are also expected to put their reading folder in their group's box ready for Reading Practice that day. 

As discussed at the phonics parent talk we would be looking for you to read with your child at least 4 times a week and sign the reading records. 


Our learning this week includes;

Literacy - The children have had a fantastic initial start to learning our phonemes in phonics. We have been practising oral blending and identifying sounds in words. This week we are going to work in groups to make CVC words and have a go at writing these down. 

Mathematics - This week the children will continue to investigate part-whole relations. We will be making pictures from 2D shapes and finding out how many parts make up one whole animal, plant or building. The children will also practise 1:1 correspondence, by counting numbers at the same time as moving or tagging the objects or pictures.

Understanding of the World -
Will will talk about how wild animals live in ‘the wild’. What do they make their homes from? Where do they look for food? Where in the world does your favourite wild animal come from? What sort of wild place does it live in? Is it a jungle or desert? Is it a hot or cold place? We will also have a go at 'sorting' the toy animals in the classroom drawers - which belongs in the sea creatures draw? Where would an elephant go? Hopefully the children will be able to remember this when tidying up later in the day! 


Phonics Sounds of the Week

Poem of the Week

Word(s) of the Week Song of the Week

e u r h 

Stepping Stones

sorting, grouping, classifying

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears...


Our termly Class letter is viewable here


What the children say... 

In our EYFS unit we plan according to the children's interests. We spend time talking to the children, asking them what they already know and what they would like to find out.

 Our weekly themes are led by the children. Each week we share ideas and then pick a theme for the coming week.

Our PE days are:

  • Wednesday (am) Squirrels
  • Thursday (am) Owls 


RE learning 

In Religious Education, we will be learning about different celebrations and festivals which link to the heritage of some of the children. 

Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
