Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

The School Day

School Session Times*

  • Main school starts at 08:35 and finishes at 15:05*. Doors open at 08:30 and close at 15:10, outside of these times children will need to be dropped off and picked up at the School Office.
  • Lunchtime for Reception - 11:45 to 12:45.
  • Lunchtimes for Year 1 & 2 - 12:00 to 13:00. 

*The total time our school is open each week is 32.5 hours.


  • Morning nursery session starts at 8:30am and finishes at 11:30am.

30 Hour Nursery Provision

  • The 30 hour provision is run by Little Deers.  Click here for further information.

Wraparound care

  • We currently operate a breakfast club in school from 7:30am until 8:30am where children are cared for before school and provided with a breakfast (optional).
  • We also operate an after school care, in association with Little Deers, which runs from 3:05pm to 6:00pm. 


  • All children participate in the national Department of Health School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme and receive a free piece of fruit or vegetable at morning break.
  • Children may bring in an alternative fruit and/or a drink into school to have at breaktime. Please do not send sweets, biscuits, chocolate or fizzy drinks.


  • Milk is available for all children up to and including Year 2. There is no charge for Nursery children but a small charge is made for school aged children.  Our milk provider is Cool Milk where you can register, and arrange payment, where required.

School Meals

  • The midday meal is an important part of the day. It gives the children an opportunity to develop their social skills.
  • School meals are free for all school aged children up to the age of seven.  We really hope that everyone will take advantage of this.  We know that you will encourage your child to try school meals if they do not currently have them.  However, we understand that some children may not like the options that are available and would prefer a packed lunch from home.
  • If you would like to introduce your child gradually to school dinners then please let the School Office know which days you require a lunch for your child.
  • Please note: half a term's notice is required if your child wishes to change their dinner pattern.
  • There will always be a choice of hot meal (meat or vegetarian) or a sandwich.
  • School meals are fully prepared at the school by Hertfordshire Catering Service. 


  • Children should never bring medicine into school including any tablets, cough and sore throat sweets.  Unfortunately, staff are not permitted to administer medicines, but parents can make arrangements with the School Office to come in and administer medication themselves or send a representative.  Parents or carers must report to the office first.
  • If your child has on going medical needs than the School has a policy in order that medication can be administered.

First Aid

  • If a child has an accident in school, the school will take responsibility for cleaning any cuts or grazes. Most of the school staff are fully trained in paediatric first aid, having attended a 12 hour course in April 2018.
  • In the event of illness during school hours or an accident of a more serious nature we will contact you on the telephone numbers or addresses given on your child's Admission Form. These telephone numbers must be kept up to date.


  • The school is bound by law to confirm to certain requirements and all reasons for absence must be recorded. If a child is away for no valid reason it will be deamed an unauthorised absence.
  • Our aim is for all pupils is for them to achieve their best, and we consider excellent attendance to be vital in helping your child to do so. However, if children arrive late for the school day parents need to report to the School Office so children can be registered and a school meal chosen.
  • If a child is unwell, parents need to contact the School Office before 08:15 am and provide a reason for the absence. Contact needs to be made on each day of absence.
  • Infectious diseases and issues such as head lice, slapped check, and threadworms, need to be reported to the school.
  • In event of vomiting or diarrhoea children must be kept at home for 48 hours after the last bout of illness.

School Security

We have made every effort to ensure the children and staff are secure while they are on the school premises but we require parents to keep us fully informed who is collecting their child at the end of the day. If children arrive after the start of the school session, they must report to the office. The same is true for if you need to  pick up your child before the end of the day, they will be brought to the office by a member of staff.

  • All visitors to the school are required to sign the visitor's book and wear a badge.
  • Any person on the premises without a badge will be stopped and asked to leave.
  • Fire drills are carried out once a term and all fire equipment is regularly checked and serviced.

Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
