Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

**This week our learning theme is 'owls and squirrels'**


Welcome to Voles Class (EYFS Unit)Image result for vole silhouette


Teacher: Mrs Hardwick  
Early Years Practitioner: Mrs Ray

Welcome to the summer term in the Nursery class 

Our learning theme for each week is guided by the children.

Week beginning 15.7.24 - 'owls and squirrels

family western barn owl sitting on a stump  brown squirrel on gray ground during daytime

These are some of the things we will be learning about and exploring:


 Today we will practise Makaton signs as we plan to send a message to someone through purely using signs. We are also learning a new song, singing and signing the words. 

The children will also be attending a whole school assembly.


Today our focus is on the Owls and Squirrels classes! Last week the children talked about all the things, in relation to moving classes, that they are excited about and the things that they are worried about - we reassured them about these. The children also had a variety of questions which they don’t feel have been answered by their visits. ( Emme - are there instruments there? Freddie J - are there foam blocks? Edie - are there lots of different people? Vihara - can we see toys and play with them? Rishaan - do they have toy caravans?) So today we are on an ‘undercover mission … whilst the current reception children are having their snack and playtime outside we will be ‘sneaking’ along to the classes with iPads to take photos. We will remind the children to only click once when they take a photo and to check that they are happy with their image before they move on. Once we return from our undercover mission we will look back through the photos and talk about all the things that they spotted. We will also talk about their feelings now and address any further worries or queries.


The children had questions about real squirrels and owls too. (Why do they have bushy tails? Emme   Why do owls have big eyes? Edie     Why do owls have wings? Freddie T     Why do owls fly? William). We will talk about these questions before going on an owl and squirrel scavenger hunt outside. The children will be challenged in groups to ‘fly’ like owls or scamper like squirrels around the outdoor area to complete a grid, gathering objects to match to the numerals 1-5. For example, they might have to collect five flowers, 4 leaves, 1 stone etc. They will need to cooperate with others in their group to check that they have the correct quantity for each number. When they have completed their challenge we will also challenge them to add counters to five frames to represent how many of each item.


Today we have the children’s Pasta Point treat. They have requested that we go to the park. We will be leaving school once we have completed the register. The children can wear their own choice of clothes but please remember that we will go to the park even if the weather isn’t too good so adults please dress yourselves and your children accordingly! Whilst we are out the children we will be having snack too.


For our final day we will be reflecting on the year; what the children have enjoyed and what they are looking forward to.

Later in the morning they will be taking part in a special assembly for Mrs Gallagher

Shared reading;  Wednesday 17th

Word aware words: recapping the words and finding out if the children remember them

The poem this week is; Furry furry squirrel  (We will also revisit Wise Old Owl)

Our counting song is: recapping the children’s favourites!

Show and tell: (on Wednesday) - a squirrel or owl fact

Class letter: click hereFree Cartoon Letter Cliparts, Download Free Cartoon Letter ...

Home Learning links

What the children say... 

We ask the children about what they’d like to explore, play with and learn about over each week. All ideas are be interwoven through planning. 

The children also have the opportunity to discuss what they would like for role play - this is to be decided ...!

Effective Questioning Techniques - IEEE-USA InSight

Other areas of learning in Nursery include....


PE day is on a Monday for this half term.

Please can all children have a named PE kit in a bag.

Computing brown and white long coated small dog wearing eyeglasses on black laptop computer

Throughout the year we will be planning open-ended activities in a technology rich environment to enable the children to have opportunities to explore, tinker and develop their ideas through active learning. We will provide a range of simple technology resources, these will be available for children to explore through their play and during adult led activities. The resources will include real, play and safe/defunct devices to support children’s understanding of technology in the world. We will promote safe and careful use of resources and understanding of who to tell if any use of technology makes them feel uncomfortable.

Other experiences will include

  • exploring programmes and games which require drag and drop skills
  • looking at different uses of technology in
    school and at home
  • using chromebooks, iPads and Mini
    mash (on Purple Mash).



RE will be explored partly through short periods of Adult Directed Activities which highlight key festivals, celebrations, religious symbols and religious vocabulary with reference to children’s own experiences and also through the children's own Child Initiated Play.

Each half term the children will have opportunities to explore aspects of the eight key areas of RE listed below.

Children will discover some religious words and ideas in the context of their experiences.

They will:

  • share their own beliefs, ideas and values
  • listen and respond to a range of stories that engage them, including faith stories
  • directly experience religion, its symbols and actions. Engage with artefacts, people and places
  • explore local places of importance, including at least one place of significance, for a religious family. They should share their own experiences of places which are important to them
  • learn about key figures in their own lives and key members of a local religious group. Listen and respond to visitors from faith communities. Talk about prayer and worship and experience times of quiet and stillness
  • explore how people know that they belong to a family and other groups, including religious groups
  • experience aspects of the natural world, using their imagination and curiosity about life and develop their appreciation and wonder of the world in which they live. Ask questions that are philosophically challenging and consider answers
  • explore some of the ways in which people express care and concern for each other and the importance of this for relationships. They should develop an awareness of their own value and that of others
  • understand what is right and wrong and why. Consider the consequences of their words and actions for themselves and others.

Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
