** Whole School 'Safer Internet Day' is being followed up by regular e-safety assemblies. **
Many parents find it a challenge to help their children to enjoy the internet and keep them safe at the same time. With the popularity of tablets and touch screens and so many education and entertainment opportunities online it's vital that you take action to protect you child early on.
By setting boundaries and offering support from the moment they first log on, you can help your children thrive in the digital world. Encourage good online habits and make your child aware of the dangers, after all not using the internet in the modern world means missing out on much that is happening in society.
Children often feel no fear or concern about diving into whatever the internet has to offer but we can minimise the dangers by setting rules and limiting access.
Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online includes:
- Internet matters - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
- London Grid for Learning - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
- Net-aware - for support for parents and careers from the NSPCC
- Parent info - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
- Thinkuknow - for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online.
- UK Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents and carers
There are other useful links below.
Click for Safer Internet Day 2020 Top Tips for Parents and Carers |
Click to visit the Parent Zone homepage for Latest Internet Safety Articles for Parents
Below is a list of websites that provide advice and further options to keep your child safe.
Here is a link to two fun stories about using devices safely.
Useful links:
- The following are useful sites for advice:
- NSPCC Guide to social networks your kids use
- Digiworld
- PEGI Age rating Guidance
- Childnet
- BBC Webwise - Safety and privacy
- Internetmatters
- BBC - Family Online Safety
- Which - Safety Online
- Getsafeonline.org
- Vodafone - Digital Parenting
- Mumsnet has a wealth of useful information and advice for parents at:
- Mumsnet - internet safety
- Mumsnet - primary school children
- The following are sites for children to learn about e-Safety:
- Smartie the Penguin
- Lee and Kim's Adventures
- Hector's World
- Interland E Safety and Digital Literacy
- Safer searching:
- Glubble
- Kidzsearch
- Safesearchkids
- Apple/Android app (ebook) - Digiduck's Big Decision
Herts for Learning downloadable e-safety advice fliers:
- Advice for Parents Handout Sheet
- Herts for Learning Instagram Guidance
- Ask.fm guidance document
- MAGIC 13 update
Schools across Hertfordshire joined together to hold an e-Safety workshop for parents and carers to provide support and ideas for keeping children safe when online.
You can read feedback from the HfL eSafety workshop held at Westfield School here
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01442 863913