Swing Gate Infant School and Nursery

This week our learning theme is ‘Settling In’'.

Welcome to the Owls Class (EYFS Unit)


Mrs Paynter  




Teaching Assistants

Miss Davis

Miss Watts


Week Commencing: 2nd September 2024

Our theme is: Settling In

Welcome to Owls class!

Our focus for our first week is for the children to become settled in and an opportunity for us to get to know them, and for them to get to know each other, a little better. We enjoyed meeting them on the transition days and we are excited about being part of their learning journey for the year ahead. The children will have time to explore the classroom and outdoor learning space. They will begin to get to know our school routine and where everything goes! We will discuss our school rules being kind, respectful and safe. 

Children take different amounts of time to settle and adjust to new routines. If you have any queries or concerns please let us know. You can mention it at the end of the day or send an email. We look forward to working in partnership with you across the year. 


Phonics Sounds of the Week

Poem of the Week

Word(s) of the Week Song of the Week


Wise Old Owl

Kind, Respectful, Safe

5 Little Ducks



Our termly class letter is available here



PE Days:

  • Thursday (pm)


RE learning 

In Religious Education, we will be learning about different celebrations and festivals which link to the heritage of some of the children. 

What the children say...

In our EYFS unit we plan according to the children's interests. We spend time talking to the children, asking them what they already know and what they would like to find out.

Our weekly themes are led by the children. Each week we share ideas and then pick a theme for the coming week


Swing Gate Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LJ

01442 863913
